In deed, Nepal is a country full of natural beauties, it consist of various things that are found in different parts of the world like snowy mountain, green hills, plain fertile lands covered with yellowish paddy and white wheat along with the people, plants, animals, birds, waterfalls, and rivers in accordance to the different altitude and atmosphere. They all bear entirely distinct feature one from the another. It looks like a mosaic that is displayed in a small canvas as if it is waiting for the people from all over the world to come and see. it adds more beauty when tourist from different parts of the world really venture and experience them. Besides, the people that have been residing in different altitude and atmosphere carry out completely distinct look, attitude, fashion, culture, language along with custom and hospitality that they work as an instrument to wonder and please the guest that they take part in. Likewise, other various programmes like culture shows, foods, feasts and festivals with other tourist programmes like Trekking, Hiking, White Water Rafting, Jungle Safari, Bunjy Jumping, Paragliding, Sight-seeing and Mountaineering expedition are offered, which puts the participants in the moment of bliss and forget all the worldly phenomenon, because of which more than five hundreds thousand people from all over the world visit Nepal annually take part in various activities that are offered. Therefore, me, the managing director of Travel Company Nepal along with all the staff invite also you to visit Nepal and take part in the programme you wish to experience and put yourself in the moment of bliss. Thank you.
Monday, November 17, 2008
An eassy about Nepal
In deed, Nepal is a country full of natural beauties, it consist of various things that are found in different parts of the world like snowy mountain, green hills, plain fertile lands covered with yellowish paddy and white wheat along with the people, plants, animals, birds, waterfalls, and rivers in accordance to the different altitude and atmosphere. They all bear entirely distinct feature one from the another. It looks like a mosaic that is displayed in a small canvas as if it is waiting for the people from all over the world to come and see. it adds more beauty when tourist from different parts of the world really venture and experience them. Besides, the people that have been residing in different altitude and atmosphere carry out completely distinct look, attitude, fashion, culture, language along with custom and hospitality that they work as an instrument to wonder and please the guest that they take part in. Likewise, other various programmes like culture shows, foods, feasts and festivals with other tourist programmes like Trekking, Hiking, White Water Rafting, Jungle Safari, Bunjy Jumping, Paragliding, Sight-seeing and Mountaineering expedition are offered, which puts the participants in the moment of bliss and forget all the worldly phenomenon, because of which more than five hundreds thousand people from all over the world visit Nepal annually take part in various activities that are offered. Therefore, me, the managing director of Travel Company Nepal along with all the staff invite also you to visit Nepal and take part in the programme you wish to experience and put yourself in the moment of bliss. Thank you.
Preparation for trekking
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Visitor's Guide to Sacred Sites in Nepal
- Entry to most temples, stupas and shrines is not restricted. However, some sensitive religious enclosures and sites may prohibit entry. Signboards are displayed.
- If you wish to enter a shrine, where allowed, you may go around in a clockwise direction. We believe in putting our Gods to our right when circling the shrine.
- The front side of the shrines are usually marked by a lotus carved stone on the pavement or a slightly recessed square pit. The image of the carrier of the deity or symbol may be seen on the pedestal in front. These define the territoriality of the shrine. Reference to these elements will put you in a proper perspective.
- Photography is generally not prohibited. However there are some facades or images where photography is restricted. Watch for these or ask the guards. If you wish to be more considerate, do not use flashlights inside when someone is worshipping.
- Do not take any photograph of someone performing his ritual without a prior permission.
- Nepal's attitude towards religion is very tolerant one, and many different religions flourish and mingle here.
- Leather products, such as belts, jackets, shoes and bags are prohibited in most religious places. Please leave them outside. Your friend or the watchman will take care of these while you are inside.
- We advice you not to touch offerings or person when they are on the way to shrines or are in the process of worshipping. Keep a respectful distance.
- Apart from worshipping of the image, many sensitive rituals are also practiced by the believers around the shrines. These may be related to festive occasions situations. By carefully watching the behavior of local onlookers, you can self behave sensitively.
- If you have meat in you lunch pack, we advise you to eat at some distance from the shrine precincts. Some of our Gods do not permit animal sacrifices.
- Do not encourage beggars or roaming artifacts vendors around the shrines by giving money or bargaining as you walk.
- Please do not accept any gifts or buy objects of art, manuscripts, images etc. which have antique value. These need to stay here not only for ourselves but for future visitors like yourself who would like to share the experience. Whether something is antique or not can be established by the Department of Archaeology.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Popular cities of Nepal

Kathmandu is not big when one compares it to other cities in South Asia. Kathmandu is a fascinating old city today where pagodas, narrow cobbled lanes, old carved windows, and stone shrines are backdrops to the drama of life that continues unhindered. Here the experiences are amazing, views fascinating, and the climate charming.
There are living Goddesses whose smiles are a benediction. There are reincarnate Lamas who foresee the future with a roll of dice and scriptural reference. There are walks that lead the adventurous to legendary places where ogres once lived. There are hidden gardens behind palaces yet unseen and courtyards where miracles happen, and a city the Buddha visited.
The natural beauty of Pokhara in Midwestern Nepal is simply bewitching. Forming the backdrop are the spectacular Annapurna Mountains with the magnificent fish-tailed Machhapuchhre dominating the scene. Adding to Pokhara's enchantment are the three serene lakes of Phewa, Rupa and Begnas. Lumbini, in the southwest, is the birthplace of Lord Buddha and a World Heritage Site. An inscription on the Ashoka Pillar identifies the Sacred Garden as the place where the Buddha was born. Lumbini has a number of artistic temples and monasteries built through international support.
UNESCO recalls Chitwan as one of the few remaining undisturbed vestiges of the 'Terai' region, which formerly extended over the foothills of India and Nepal at the foot of the Himalayas. The Chitwan National Park has been enlisted in natural World Heritage Site. It has a particularly rich flora and fauna. One of the last populations of single-horned Asiatic rhinoceros lives in the park, which is also one of the last refuges of the Bengal tiger.
Monday, November 10, 2008
"Gosaikunda" Nepal Travel Destination